Saturday, June 5, 2010

What to expect?

With only 18 days until our group leaves for Quito, I keep reflecting on and praying about what we will encounter when we are there. I have images in my mind of what things are going to look like - the people, the Center where we are staying, our rooms, etc. but I know that these images might not be right - I am trying to keep an open mind and not imagine too much so as to not be disappointed or surprised by what it's actually like.

As leader of the group, I feel like I need to be prepared and ready for all - but having never been to the Working Boys' Center or Ecuador, the reality is, I have no idea what to expect! I can only imagine what things are going to be like from the photos I've seen (from the 2005 trip and that Sister Cindy's sent me), stories I've heard from those who have been, movies I've seen and things I've read. Finding a balance between second hand-experiences and my own expectations is a challenge. I continue to pray each day leading up to the trip that our experiences will be eye and heart opening, that I can embrace whatever I experience and be touched in a profound way and that God leads me where he knows I need to be.

So, as far as preparations are concerned - the poster with photos and bios of each of the group members is now up in Fr. Lacey Hall at St. Matthias. Mary Smith designed the logo for the trip and Jacqueline Carter-Walker interviewed each of the participants and edited their bios.

Last night, I made a list of everything that I will need to pack. I am going to do a "dry run" of packing to decide which suitcase I need to bring - the "papa sized" one or (I'm hoping) the "mama-sized" one.

I read the whole "In Focus: Ecuador" book this morning and am working on writing a summary of the history of Ecuador for the group (something I've been looking forward to doing). I'm also reading the BVM Sisters blog to read about their experiences (Click here to read it for yourself) since their group just went in April - May.

I also am trying to stay caught up on reading the Quito newspapers, El Comercio to stay informed about current events.

So, even though I am doing everything possible to "prepare myself", truth is - I have no idea what to expect ... and, I kinda like it that way. Besides, if I knew what to expect, what would be the point of going?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! 2 1/2 weeks and we are there!
    Let go and let God and Sabrina lead us, on our grand adventure.
    Pray for us.
