Friday, June 11, 2010

Volcano in Ecuador

Please pray for our safety on our upcoming trip to Ecuador. There was just a volcano - albeit about 80 miles southeast of Quito - not exactly close to where we are headed, but the airport in Guayaquil (where we will be flying into and visiting on July 1st) was closed for a few hours today because of the ash in the air which caused lack of visibility. See the headlines in El Comercio for more information (El Comercio is in Spanish, but if you open it with IE or Google Chrome, both have a translator that works pretty well). Here is a map which shows the location of the volcano in relation to where we are headed. Since there are still 12 days until we leave, I am praying that the volcano settles down, that the people who live and work in that area are safe and that minimal damage is done to the environment.


  1. Volcano erruptions make me nervous! I pray that those close to the erruption are Ok!

  2. I'm pretty sure the volcano is a non-issue at this point. The original eruption occurred on May 28th so it has died down by now. Plus, it was 81 miles away from Quito.
