Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday, a day of dancing!

Its Monday evening here at the Center, and I am blessed to be using Sabrina's computer. Every day that we spend here in Ecuador is better than the previous one. Yesterday, we really enjoyed the teamwork, the people and being able to work with our hands at the minga. The church that we worked on was up high in the mountains, and we could definitely feel it. But the views from there were just spectacular. Karl would have loved it!

Katy and I took a break and went to Mass with the people who came to the church. We were delighted that they handed out a worship aide that had the responses in Spanish, so that we could participate. The sisters were very welcoming. The children who sat around us smiled at us and had the most beautiful faces and dark eyes.

Katy did a great job helping to shovel lots of dirt into wheelbarrows. The adults took turns moving the wheelbarrows up and over the hill. I haven't had a "runner's high" in decaades. Because of the altitude, it felt like we were floating in the air!

For lunch we had the most delicious balony sandwiches that we have ever tasted! We returned to the Center by bus, which we all enjoyed very much. Now I understand why dogs like to hang out of windows and watch the world speed by!

Today we visited an amazing school for indiginous where we walked in a garden planted with native plants, and enjoyed native dances prepared by the children. There were costumes, and a pot of fire and circle dances. In the end, we were all on our feet, invited into the circle, held by the small hands of the children. A real highlight.

We spent the afternoon painting windows at the second Center. So Katy hasn't gotten to paint a mural, but she did get very dirty and loved it. On the bus ride home we were treated to rap music and dancing by two young people who performed in the asile of the bus. Their music came from what looked like a home made ihome.

Being here continues to be a blessing. Today, the adults were reflecting on how lucky we are to have this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. If you need any more information about Ecuador please write me, I have lived here for 16 years and will be happy to help. Patrick
