Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday in Ecuador

Its Saturday afternoon, and I am logging into facebook and the internet for the first time since our departure. We've been so busy, I've hardly had time to miss my electronics, but I do miss Karl and Kelsey. Katy is having a great time here in Quito, which means that I am having a great time also. Yesterday after Mass, several of the kids came right up to her and started asking questions...what is your name, how old are you....Katy drew them a picture of a cat, a chicken and a pig. Its amazing how well kids can communicate.

When Karl and Kelsey came to Ecuador 5 years ago, Kelsey painted a mural in the center....we found it in what is now a reading room, and took a picture. I've never been here, and yet, I recognize so many things from seeing the pictures. It feels new, yet familiar at the same time.

This morning we went by bus to the Equator...the center of the world....the bus ride through the streets was one of my favorite experiences. We sped past buildings, streets, businesses...even with limited Spanish its amazing how many signs you can read. We discovered that they do give change on the bus ( unlike in Washington DC!). Our bus fare was only 34 cents each way. On the way home, vendors walked through the bus selling wallets, ice cream, and other delicacies. It was fun to just sit and take it all in.

Living here at the WBC is wonderful. There are volunteers from all over the US, so there is always something going on. Right now, the world cup is blaring in the lounge, Katy is making a collage and the McCreddins are getting ready to give their soccer clinic. Love to all, Vivian

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you're having the same great time and hospitality that we had 5 years ago! Have Katy paint a mural so that we can go back and see it in 5 years!
    Kelsey and Karl
