The Foundation Padre Damien, known to us as Casa Damien, is
a beautiful home for the thirty full time resident inpatients and two hundred
out patients who may from time to time have an extended stay. We spent our first couple of days catching up
with old friends and acquainting ourselves with the newer residents. Any Norte Americano who is a friend of Sr.
Annie’s is a friend of the residents – they love us and welcome us as they
would welcome family!
The women are very talkative, and willing to share about
their lives. Conversely the men share
very little while they play dominoes with unbelievable strategy. Hansen’s disease, a disfiguring skin disease
accompanied by debilitating nerve pain, has separated these individuals from
their relatives, they in turn have formed a family at Casa Damien. This family
loves one another by listening, supporting, playing, creating, loving, praying,
and caring. There is a sense of hope,
peace and joy felt by all upon entering this home. Sr. Annie is the figurehead and Germania is
the administrator of Foundation Padre Damien acting as the matriarchs of the
family. They are helped by Marjorie the
accountant, Edgar the facilities manager, Jenny, Lisette and Vicky who prepare
three meals a day for the family, Dr. Martinez, nurses, a weekday guard, the
male residents who guard in the evenings and on weekends, and Diego the driver
who also assists with maintenance. Our
boys cleaned windows, screens, tracks and ceiling fans over three days in the
men’s and women’s sections. The job was
thorough and made it possible for the sunshine to enter the rooms. Everyone
contributes to keep the family home running smoothly!
Our boys and Sam immediately became part of this
family! Sabrina and I were returning
home! I have felt incredible internal
peace and joy since arriving in Ecuador and have really enjoyed living in the
moment and getting to know our boys, the residents, staff and volunteers in
Reconnecting with the staff at Centro del Muchacho
Trabajador has been joyous yet bittersweet as there are many changes currently
taking place.
Our boys continue to amaze me with their insights,
camaraderie, appreciation, compassion, understanding, and pure joy!
Thank you families for entrusting your young men to our
~ Maria