Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Our Friend Abel

Hello, my name is Abel Moreira.

I am 19 years old and I have been working as a translator at Damien House for years.
     During an amazing week sharing experiences and a lot of fun with Sabrina’s group, I met amazing people with a deep love to help others. God brought them as angels to Damien House to learn the truly meaning of life though patients’ stories and teaching.  I have been helping and growing up between the patients since I was 7 years old, and I can firmly say they teach every moment with every word that they tell you. I have learned that if life takes you to the ground, you have to stand up and overpass the problems. Many patients, I can guarantee, have touched each of the teen’s hearts. I think God has talked to them through Damien House’s patients, a humble and kind way that some of them might not have expected. I love to share with young people like me because I consider we are the tools to teach others to know that we have the power to change the world through the spirituality and daily actions in our society.  I hope God keeps blessing all these teens I have met last week and former pilgrimage groups! A huge hug to Sabrina and Maria for being the leaders of these amazing trips!
Abel Moreira

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